USBR ESP Program
Enrollees Portal » Handbook


NEW Solutions ESP Participants (Enrollees) assist the US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) at its headquarters, regional offices, and park and other locations. Enrollees serve in technical capacities and carry out a variety of assignments.

As a member of this talented group, you will help USBR preserve, protect, and enhance our natural resources.

For complete information about benefits, policies and procedures, please contact your NEW Solutions point of contact.

Ask your Monitor to:   Contact your NEW Solutions Field Office if you:
  • clarify assignments
  • determine regular work schedules
  • approve timesheets
  • approve leave
  • resolve initial problems
  • have problems filling out your electronic timesheet
  • have questions about the use of leave or other benefits
  • have questions about your paycheck
  • are returning to your assignment after an extended medical absence
  • have a problem you cannot resolve with your Monitor
  • have concerns about your health or safety
  • are injured while on duty


Enrollment Agreement 

Under the federal statutory structure of the Experienced Services Program, ESP Enrollees do not have employee status with either USBR or NEW Solutions. Enrollees are not eligible to receive the benefits accorded to Federal government employees nor NEW Solutions employees.  Enrollees are eligible to receive benefits listed in this enrollee handbook.

Before an enrollee can begin an assignment under the ESP, an Enrollment Agreement must be executed.  NEW Solutions ESP Enrollment Agreements are between the Participant (Enrollee) and NEW Solutions. 

Position Level Wage Range
1 $12.90 - $36.40
2 $21.86 - $44.27
3 $26.45 - $58.30
4 $37.70 - $81.84

Health & Safety

Because ESP Enrollees frequently work in field settings, it is critical that Enrollees adhere to the following guidelines for avoiding accidents:

  • Know the safety rules and follow every precaution to protect yourself and your colleagues from injury and illness.
  • Know the standard procedures for the tasks you perform and use all required protective equipment.
  • Report all unsafe conditions, practices and equipment.
  • Obtain first aid for every injury, however minor it may seem.
  • Seek immediate medical attention if seriously injured.

Workers' Compensation

Report any work-related accident, injury, or illness at the earliest opportunity to your Monitor and the NEW Solutions Field Office. The NEW Solutions workers' compensation insurance carrier (The Hartford) will be notified by the NEW Solutions Field Office if necessary.  You may also contact   

It is important to seek immediate medical attention if seriously injured.  You can use to find a local medical provider.

If You Leave the Program

A resignation should be submitted in writing, with notice, if possible. Remember to address your resignation to your NEW Solutions point of contact and copy your Monitor.

Prior to Leaving: All USBR property must be returned to your Monitor.

Last Paycheck: Your final paycheck will be issued to you in the same manner you have requested for all paychecks to be issued.